Programs Overview

At Westmont, Montessori based experiential learning begins at pre-k and elementary focusing on physical experiences in nature and with hands on tools. The classroom environment is carefully prepared so that children move freely in their pursuit of physical, social, emotional, and cognitive experiences. It’s so incredible to watch calm, focused elementary students independently complete a 10 subject weekly work plan!
Our Montessori middle school program for grades 7-8 is designed to be ideally suited to the needs of the adolescent–a safe and inspiring environment and community in which to grow. By this stage, students’ learning and development typically far exceeds the BC curriculum. And perhaps more importantly, at this stage you’ll often hear, “Montessori kids are different”. We observe that to mean highly respectful, socially adapted, self confident, and kind.
In our High School program, experiential learning comes to the fore and our learning is framed by projects tackled through the model of design thinking. We bring the students to the world both virtually and in person, by creating learning experiences in progressive environments that offer knowledge from the real world not a textbook – from business incubators to makerspaces, organic farms to ocean biology labs, university lectures to real life experience.
The Westmont Difference
Westmont is a caring, family oriented Preschool to Grade 12 learning community that takes an individual approach to experiential, real world education. We believe students deserve to be seen and develop as whole individuals from the start of school, not simply after graduation. Our students excel academically and in life as our method truly ignites a passion for deep, life-long learning. Does this sound right for you or your student?
Tailored education
Because each student has unique interests, strengths, and desires.
Academic excellence
Deep, experiential learning that sticks. No regurgitation for the next test.
Whole child development
Thriving adults are strong inside and out. We help students build both from the beginning.
Stunning nature campus
160+ acres of forest-meets-ocean splendour to explore, connect, and learn.
Best of BC’s new curriculum
“Best implementation of BC’s new curriculum I’ve seen” – Ministry of Education Inspector
Caring and supportive community
We treasure this. It makes all the difference in a young person’s development.
Passion for learning
Our method ignites a fire for deep, lifelong learning. How? Choice within boundaries.
Mentorship for life
From K-12 our students learn how to lead and be led. There is no better teacher than teaching itself.
Early Years
Early Years is a pre-school and Kindergarten program for children aged three to five years.
80% of a child’s mental development takes place before the child is eight years old, quality education during this period is critical. In particular for ages 3-5, in the Montessori tradition, the Westmont Montessori Early Primary program:
- Offers choice of full day or morning-only classes for Early Primary and Kindergarten students
- Is a prepared environment alive with a wealth of intriguing material
- Encourages the child to move at his/her own pace through all areas of the room – Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Mathematics and Cultural
- Supports each child as his/her natural development unfolds
- Is developed to meet the specific and changing needs of the children within the room
- Allows each child to grow with balance, health and joyfulness
- Includes French as a second language instruction
- Includes weekly music instruction

Lower Elementary
Westmont’s Lower Elementary Montessori Program consists of the mixed age group of Grades 1-3, meeting and exceeding all the British Columbia required curriculum. The Lower Elementary Montessori curriculum is a three year program which:
- Inspires students to become independent learners who appreciate and understand their world
- Expects students to become increasingly responsible for their own learning
- Allows students to work at their own pace to practice and master goals, using an extensive selection of Montessori materials
- Begins the move from concrete learning toward abstract understanding
- Integrates curriculum areas through the Montessori Great Stories
- Individual and small group presentations are given by teachers
- Students choose their work in the same manner they learned in the Early Primary program
- Individualized work plans allow students to set goals, make appropriate choices, and use their time wisely
- Includes exploration days with activities such as cooking, sewing, drama, art and cultural experiences
- Specialty instruction in French and Music
- Field trips, on-site learning garden and other outdoor experiences
Upper Elementary
The Upper Elementary Montessori program builds upon the Lower Elementary, and similarly, is a three year program consisting of the mixed age group of Grades 4-6. During the three years, all the British Columbia required curriculum is covered, with extensive enrichment. The Upper Elementary Montessori curriculum includes all of the Lower Elementary program elements plus:
- Increased focus on abstract understanding versus concrete learning
- Greater understanding of the inter-relatedness of all curriculum areas using Montessori’s Great Lessons
- Individual and small group presentations are given by teachers
- Students choose their work in the same manner they have in the Early Primary and Lower Elementary Programs
- Individualized work plans allow students to set goals, make appropriate choices, and use their time wisely
- Emphasizes the acquisition of community citizenship, virtues and leadership skills
- Specialty instruction in French and Art
- A unique Marimba program in which students learn music appreciation, theory, and performance skills
- Field trips, on-site learning garden and other outdoor experiences

Middle School
Westmont’s Middle School consists of Grades 7-8. This program of studies is distinctly different to that found in conventional educational settings, but ideally suited to the needs of the adolescent and the world they will eventually be adults in.
- Grade 7 and 8 students learn together in a mixed age class, and get a clear break from where they have come from in their schooling. They need their own unique space and a chance to have their own identity.
- Students participate in 5 week cycles with a focus on overarching questions to be answered in the cycle. The BC curriculum is covered as a bare minimum, but the learning goes far beyond what is required at this age level.
- At the end of each 5 week cycle there is an “out-week” where students relate what they have been working on in school with real world application. The students are intimately involved in the planning process.
- Students operate a business which teaches valuable skills, with funds earned going towards the out-week costs.
- The teacher guides the process and provides the safe environment for students to explore and learn in. The teacher gives guidelines on academic standards to be met and appropriate social behaviour, and feedback to students on how they are doing.
- The students are involved in community work through the “Service Learning” component of the program.
High School
Teacher. Desk. Study. Test. Forget. Repeat…Graduate.
Why is school still like this?
Conventional public and private schools were designed in the 1800s to prepare youth for industrial factory jobs.
The world has changed. Fundamentally, schools have not.
Since 2018 Westmont has been designing and fine tuning its ground-breaking high school program to better prepare students for a rapidly changing present and future.
We’re ready to scale up! Classes of 15-20 students are planned for fall 2022.

Montessori Ignites a Life Long Passion for Learning!
Montessori: Science Behind the Genius
“The balance of choice and structure both inspires and empowers students to develop self-responsibility”