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Field Trips and Immersion Weeks

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Do classes at Westmont go on field trips?

Yes! All of the program levels expand the horizons of the students by exploring a variety of excursions. Fossil hunting, symphony performances, plays, pumpkin patch visits, Butchart Gardens, Wild Play, whale watching, rock climbing, swimming, bike trips, Ultimate, East Sooke Park hikes, kayaking, art gallery visits… the list is almost endless!

What is the purpose of the 6 immersion weeks for the Middle School program?

Our Westmont students in this program participate in five one-week immersions throughout the year. These experiences are an integral part of the Montessori Middle School program. The four purposes of attended those immersion weeks are transition (a change of pace between the program’s cycles), community building, application of what was learned, and providing service to the community. The immersions can vary. In the past they have included putting on a drama production, learning wilderness skills, visiting university campuses, and camping and canoeing in Strathcona Provincial Park.

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