A Westmontian’s Middle School Experience.
A Westmontian’s Middle School Experience.
Stories from Middle School
We interviewed one of our middle school students about her experience at Westmont Montessori.
Tell us about your Montessori journey.
Hi! I’m Alana, a Westmont Montessori middle school student who’s been at Westmont for a decade now, and as a Westmont student, I always felt part of a community where I was allowed to find new ways to learn with a supportive environment to help me. Everyone in my class was friends, no matter which class I moved into, we all got along, and there was never any bullying. It was a bit of an expectation that the older grades would assist the lower ones, which they loved doing.
When using the materials of the Montessori program, it made my learning easier in ways that I wouldn’t understand until later. There were independent and interdependent materials, where you could learn by yourself, or just as much with your friends. I preferred the more social materials because I’m a social person, and so is my sister, who also goes to Westmont. Every time we got a lesson on a new material, it was like getting a toy that we could learn from. I looked forward to learning the next one as soon as I could, like most of my class. Now that I am in middle school, I don’t use the materials, but they are always on the shelf just in case I need them. When we got a lesson on scents in kindergarten, we got to sniff some spices in plastic bags, which was interesting for me, because I had never smelt some of those before.

What is your biggest interest? How did it develope?
As soon as I learned to read, I was desperate to write. Luckily, I was able to learn early on in school. I was imaginative (and still very much am) which really helped me with creative stories. I have been trying to look around the internet and read different authors, which really broadened my view on writing. Eventually Westmont created a writing club, which I instantly signed up for, and my best writing friend joined as well! We were both so excited and brought our favorite writing things to the first meeting. It makes me very happy, and I thank Westmont for helping with finding my first real writing community.

What are some other unique things about your school?
I agree with one of Westmont’s unique themes, which is outdoor, hands-on learning, and with the great west coast and beaches there was always an opportunity for learning in, and about nature. Me and my friends love going on our walks for P.E because we get to socialize and go to the beach, which looks beautiful in the morning. Being in Metchosin is an immersive place for exploring, with lots of scenic places for walking.
What do you do on the weekend?
On the weekends I usually try many crafts, and creative writing, both of which were inspired by my experiences at school. I try as many types of crafts as I can cram, and I like reading lots of fiction. My room is stuffed with piles of books, waiting for their turn. Sometimes I head out with one of my friends and we go to a local bookshop. And with the middle school program, I have plenty of time to do them, because our work deadlines allow us to be free on the weekend, if we finish at the time we’re supposed to.
What is next for you?
After this school year ends, I have this summer filled with some of my first few babysitting jobs, tons (literally) of reading, and plenty of writing to keep me busy for at least two months. Then I come back in the eighth grade with some of my old friends moving out, but my new ones moving in. I have heard many fun things about Westmont’s expanding high school and am intrigued in what’s in store for me there!
Would you like to share anything else?
Every other week I hear about new extracurriculars that Westmont has created for many different activities. It always makes me excited for myself, and my friends to have our interests expanded on.
If you’re going to Westmont’s middle school, and even just for anyone in school, my advice for you is to be confident about yourself, and your words. Be prepared for homework and tests, but also for fun and freedom!
Thank you for reading!
A Westmont Montessori Middle School student